Q. I’m on the Season Ticket Waiting List. How can I find out my position?

A. If you log into your Online Box Office account using your 7-digit membership number, you will be able to see your waiting list position by clicking the person icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen.  

Q. How long will it take until I can purchase a Season Ticket?

A. At present, we cannot provide an estimate of when you will be offered a Season Ticket due to current unprecedented demand and fluctuating turnover of Season Ticket holders.

Q. How will I know when it is my turn to purchase?

A. Ahead of each season, we will aim to contact each member whom we predict will be eligible to purchase Gold membership. Once it is your turn to purchase, you will receive an email with further instructions on how to select your seat(s). 

Q. I’m on the Season Ticket Waiting List and I want a seat in the Lower Tier. How long will it take?

A. Please note, availability of seats in the Lower Tier is extremely low and as a result it is very unlikely that you will be offered a seat in the Lower Tier when you first join as a Season Ticket Holder from the waiting list. For any seats that do become available, priority is given to current Season Ticket Holders moving out of the Family Area and those wishing to relocate from the Upper Tier.

Q. If I purchase multiple positions does this guarantee seats next to each other?

A. If adjacent seats are not available you can purchase single seats if you wish but if you do not purchase you will retain your position on the list.

Q. Can I sit with an existing Gold Member when offered?

A. Yes, if the seat either side is available when you are offered, you will be eligible to purchase a seat next to a current member.

Q. I wish to be sat next to my friend/partner/family member. Will I be able to buy seats together?

A. Yes, if they join at a similar time to you and they are in your Network, we will be able to allocate you seats together, subject to availability. Click here for more information about setting up your Network.

Q. How much will my season ticket cost and what does it include?

A. Details of the composition of the Gold Season Ticket and pricing by area for the 2024/25 season can be found here. Please note, Season Ticket pricing is subject to annual review.  

Q. Is there an option to pay via finance?

A. There will be the option to apply for a low-cost monthly finance plan (subject to status).

Q. How do I purchase concession Season Tickets?

A. Once you are offered, we will automatically unlock price categories and location according to the date of birth on your account. Areas such as the Family Area do have a longer wait time than other sections. 

Q. I am on the original Season Ticket Waiting List (pre-June 2022). Will my position still be valid? 

A. Yes, we will offer eligible members chronologically as before. Once all members have been offered once more, their position will become inactive.

Q. Will members of the new waiting list be offered first?

A. All members of the original waiting list will receive a final offer, before this list is closed. Many of these members have waited patiently for a number of years and we are committed to running a fair process.

Q. Does a waiting list position give me access to tickets whilst I wait for my time to purchase a Season Ticket?

A. The position does not give you access to match-by-match tickets. To purchase tickets for home games on an ad-hoc basis you require a Red, Silver, Cannon or JG membership which can be purchased here 


Q. I purchased a waiting list position(s) however my contact details may be out of date and I think I might have missed communication from the club asking me to confirm my position(s). Am I still on the list?

A. We attempted to get in touch with all supporters on the waiting list by email and SMS in April 2022 to ask them to confirm their waiting list position(s). It is the responsibility of the supporter to keep their contact details up to date. If you missed this communication but would like to remain on the list, we will still honour your position if you get in touch with us. Please note, if you missed the deadline in May 2022, any funds associated with your position(s) will no longer be redeemable against the price of your Season Ticket.

You can amend your contact details via your Online Box Office account or by contacting the Fan Services team on +44 (0) 207 619 5000. Our telephone lines are open Monday to Friday, 9.30am – 5pm.

Q. I am a Red / Silver / Cannon / JG Plus member but have not been a member long enough to complete three successive renewals to activate my position on the waiting list. Is my position still valid? 

A. Yes, if you were on the Plus membership and you confirmed that you wished to remain on the list, you will now occupy an active place on the Season Ticket Waiting List. Any funds paid towards your Plus Membership will be redeemable against the price of your Season Ticket.

Q. Are waiting list positions transferable to friends or family members?

A. Yes, if you do not wish to take up the offer, you are able to give permission to a friend or relative to purchase instead.

Q. I have a position(s) on the waiting list but I’m no longer interested in purchasing a Season Ticket and would like my money back.

A. All funds paid towards Season Ticket Waiting List position(s) are non-refundable. If you no longer wish to remain on the list, please let us know by filling in our enquiry form. By removing yourself from the list, you will forfeit any funds paid and the Club will make a matching donation to the Arsenal Foundation. The General Admission Season Ticket Waiting List terms and conditions can be found here.